To Trace or Not to Trace: Mimicry in Timed Multimedia Lessons with Pointing and Tracing (EARLI2023)
Six evidence-informed tips on how to optimize learning from instructional videos (IVs) (EARLI2023)
Assessment, Analytics and Student Learning (ETUG Fall Workshop 2021)
12 Tips for Online Teaching Derived from Contemporary Educational Psychology Research (ICLTC2021)
Open Education, etc. An overview of OER, Open Education and Open Practices (Invited Talk @UOW)
To Trace or Not to Trace: Human movement and implications for Human Cognitive Architecture (UNE Seminar Series)
Geometry Touch: A Novel Instrument for data collection in Gesture-based research (ICTLC2020)
To Trace or Not to Trace: Meaningful Hand Gestures for Learning with ICT (ICLTC2020)
Interaction Treatments and Instructor Intention: Towards model for the application of Learning Analytics in practice (LASI @ UBC))