
University of New England

EDIT313: Social and Collaborative Learning Technologies

This unit focuses on the use of social and collaborative technologies in schools and other educational settings, with an emphasis on using technology to support group work and collaboration in learning.

EDIT426: Introduction to Learning with Technology

This unit provides an introduction to the field of digital learning. It explores the key concepts of digital learning tools and strategies, and the issues surrounding the implementation of digital learning in education, training and workplace settings. The unit provides an introduction to organisational change and its application in the analysis and design of digital learning environments.

EDIT415: Implementing School Based Environments (6 credits)

This unit deals with issues relating to the implementation and management of digital technologies in school-based settings. It is aimed at in-service and pre-service teachers; School ICT coordinators; and educational leaders who have already acquired a working knowledge of the basic applications of digital technologies in education and who wish to increase their knowledge and skills so that they can become effective leaders and facilitators in digital learning.

EDIT425: Innovative Pedagogies and Practice(6 credits)

This unit explores innovations in digital learning pedagogy and practice. It examines the affordances of a variety of innovative technologies such as mobile learning, cloud computing, wearable technology, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and gamification. Practical strategies for the improvement of motivation, engagement and retention are also explored.

EDIT513: Inclusion and Access in Online Spaces (6 credits)

Digital learning environments should be accessible for all students, regardless of their abilities. Studying this unit, you will examine how digital technology can be used to support accessibility and usability in education, training or workplace settings. In this unit you will focus on the employment of Universal Design for Learning and User Experience (UX) design principles to support and enhance learning. You will also explore a range of software and hardware solutions that can be used to address potential barriers to learning.

EDIT517: Developing Learning Communities in Online Spaces (6 credits)

Educational environments can be greatly enhanced by the creation of online learning communities. In this unit you will examine the theoretical and practical aspects of online learning communities and explore the skills necessary to plan, establish, maintain, and evaluate an online learning community. Not only will you hone your skills by studying this unit with UNE, you will also gain first-hand experience as a member of a vibrant online learning community. At UNE, we are industry leaders in providing online education.

EDIT518: Assessment, Evaluation and Learning Analytics (6 credits)

This unit explores assessment, evaluation and learning analytics in digital learning contexts. A range of assessment and evaluation framework are examined along with the issues of validity and reliability. The application of learning analytics in digital learning is examined particularly in reference to how learning analytics can be used to support assessment and evaluation practices. The ethical issues associated with assessment, evaluation and learning analytics are also considered.

EDIT521: Principles and Practices (6 credits)

This unit examines the issues related to the design, development, implementation, assessment and evaluation of online learning environments. This is achieved through the exploration, investigation, formulation and resolution of issues identified in institutional, technological, pedagogical, and ethical contexts. Current learning theories suitable for digital learning environments are explored in order to make links between the theory and practice.

University of British Columbia

ETEC 510: Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments (6 credits)

Online seminar examining research and related exemplary participatory, networked media tools, as these inform the design of technology-mediated environments. It explores constructivist and cultural theories of mind, education and digital authoring and communication and their significance for the design of dynamic pedagogical environments that support 21st century modes of making, sharing, literacies and learning. In it you will author and share digital artifacts and collaboratively design a technology-supported learning environment.

ETEC 543: Understanding Learning Analytics

In this course, we will consider definitions of analytics, explore different LA approaches and methods, examine implementation challenges, and think critically about the range of diverse LA tools and claims that already exist. A particular focus will be on asking you to relate LA to your own practice of teaching and learning and to existing educational theories and research. 

University of Wollongong

EDFE101: Education Foundations 1: Learning and Development (6 credits)

This subject will introduce students to the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of children. The aim of the subject is to provide a sound theoretical foundation for further studies in education and psychology. While the focus is on children’s holistic development, the major focus is on concepts and theories related to children’s cognitive development and learning from birth to 18 years. This course will require students to critically engage with the theoretical perspectives presented in order to inform their development as prospective teachers.

EDGI900: Introduction to Technology in Education (6 credits)

This subject provides a basic introduction to the strand: Information and Communication Technologies in Learning. It is an overview of issues and topics that will be further elaborated upon in subsequent subjects; specifically it introduces students to current issues and trends, learning theory, instructional design, and research and evaluation. The subject explores the concept of educational technology and the ways in which the educational enterprise is affected by it. The subject considers the theoretical and practical skills used in designing, developing, and evaluating teaching and learning environments using a variety of instructional systems.

EDGI901: Emerging Issues in Educational Technology (6 credits)

This subject provides an opportunity to engage critically with emerging issues and new debates in educational technology. This subject will build on the foundation in educational technology gained through the introductory level subject EDGI900, enabling extended exploration of current questions, discussions and controversies in this continuously evolving field.

Bellingham Technical College

EDUC207: Teaching and Facilitating Learning I (3 credits)

As an introduction to technical teaching, college instructors begin or expand their training as a skilled educator, with emphasis on student-centred learning. Focus is on four primary modes of instruction: lecture, discussion, demonstration, small group work through a lens by which instructors act as facilitators of learning in their classrooms and labs.

EDUC209: Teaching and Facilitating Learning II (3 credits)

This course guides instructors through the advanced methods involved in student-centred learning, focusing on case studies, role-playing, self-motivation, students as creators and contributors and the building of learning communities in the classroom.

EDUC211:Planning for Instruction (3 credits)

Instructors plan for the delivery of instruction by identifying, sourcing and creating instructional materials appropriate for students of diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Instructors learn he basics of instructional design practice, including needs assessments, outcomes formulation and course design and evaluation.

EDUC216: Assessment for Learning (3 credits)

In this course, college instructors will demonstrate assessment literacy and will design and develop assessments to be integrated int the learning process, including performance-based and portfolio assessments. Alignment of formative assessments, summative assessments and course and unit outcomes are heavily emphasized.

EDUC281: eLearning For Educators (3 credits)

This course offers an exploration of current alluring trends, facilitation methods and tools with an emphasis on learner-centred instruction. Participants will discuss learning opportunities through hybrid, online, and self-paced models and explore issues related to course design, Open Educational Resources (OER) and social media.

EDGI902: Designing Digital Learning Environments (3 credits)

This subject will enable students to develop their understanding of how to design effective digital learning environments by reflecting on their own teacher design practices, critiquing the literature about educational design and e-learning design principles and creating their own design of a digital learning environment. Design tools discussed in the research and development literature will be explored and applied as students undertake their own design.

Northwest Indian College

CMPS101: Introduction to Computers (3 credits)

Computer lab course providing an introduction to MS Windows, MS Word (word processing application), MS Excel (spreadsheet application), the internet and e-mail. Review of basics computer components, disk handling, keyboard operation and copying files

Western Washington University

DSGN310: Principles of Interaction Design (3 credits)

Overview of the principles of interaction design with an emphasis on issues and topics related to the development of interaction design, human-centered design, and current industry practices. Course is  a combination of lectures, assignments and reflections on process.

COMM442: Video Production Workshop (2 credits)

Course includes practical application of techniques used in video production, including basic shot framing, storyboarding, non-linear editing, pacing and sound design. Advanced topics include video production and basic animation techniques

IT344: Basic Instructional Technology Skills (1 credit)

Allows the student to prepare a portfolio that demonstrates the instructional technology skills required in the K-12 classroom