Empathy in Instruction

Over the years, I have been quite vocal in my opposition to high stakes testing as a means to assess learning. The example I always gave was this:“What if a student’s mom died the night before the big test? How do you think they would do? Does this mean they haven’t...

An open letter to Higher Ed Admins

Dear Higher Ed Admins,At a time when most of us here in the United States are facing continuing cuts to education, it’s important to take into account the thoughts and advice of those around you. This is one such piece of advice is from an eLearning Director at a...

What does Hybrid actually mean?

Generally, when you enroll in college, you see different courses in the catalog.“What’s this? Online. That makes sense. It’s an online course.”“Meeting times listed? Cool. That’s when I show up.”“Internship? Awesome. I should probably talk to my advisor.”“Hybrid?...

What is a menu?

When thinking about a way to get to more options, or a higher level of looking at our content, we often think of a menu. This is the standard way we have always interacted with a virtual environment, but what exactly is a menu? If course we have these things. We have...