jsPsych Plugin: Visual Pattern Task
Communities of Practice in Practice: Frequency, Formality and Fun.
On Feedback, Feedforward and “next time”
Exploring University Students’ Data Literacy through differentiated Data Disclosure Methods
Movement Capture Pro (In Progress)
To Trace or Not to Trace: Mimicry in Timed Multimedia Lessons with Pointing and Tracing (EARLI2023)
Six evidence-informed tips on how to optimize learning from instructional videos (IVs) (EARLI2023)
Beyond Pressbooks: Towards Decentralised Open Textbook Platforms (ASCILITE2022)
Moodle 4: A new coat of paint or revolutionary VLE?
theopenbook: An Open Textbook WordPress Theme
Assessment, Analytics and Student Learning (ETUG Fall Workshop 2021)
Instructional Innovation through Leadership, Support and Agency
12 Tips for Online Teaching Derived from Contemporary Educational Psychology Research (ICLTC2021)
Open Education, etc. An overview of OER, Open Education and Open Practices (Invited Talk @UOW)
To Trace or Not to Trace: Human movement and implications for Human Cognitive Architecture (UNE Seminar Series)
Online Courses are not textbooks
Geometry Touch: A Novel Instrument for data collection in Gesture-based research (ICTLC2020)
To Trace or Not to Trace: Meaningful Hand Gestures for Learning with ICT (ICLTC2020)
Interaction Treatments and Instructor Intention: Towards model for the application of Learning Analytics in practice (LASI @ UBC))
Considerations for creating or choosing VR content (MET Summer Institute)
NSW Council of Deans
Roll an Apple
UOW Online
AT-AT Cross Section
The Science of Locomotion in VR
Screen Real Estate for Online Learning
Low Poly Self portrait
Direct v. Indirect Manipulation in VR
Touch Capture iPad App
Pikimiup Login
Toward User Interface and Experience Guidelines for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities
Apple Pencil Case
The Rocky Romance between EdTech and IT
Operation Span Task (AOpSpan) for iPad
Primary Design: User Experience and Product Design based on Evolutionary Psychology
The Role of Education in a post-truth world
The Touch Bar, Cognitive Load and Usability.
A Macbook Pro Intervention
Trying out the new Macbook Pro Touch Bar in Xcode 8.1 Simulator
What makes a good online discussion?
Social Presence in Online Education
When is flexible is too flexible?
Visual Pattern Task (VPT) for iPad
UOW Leadership Branding Logo
To Host or not to host your VLE? That is the question.
How can we end online abuse on Twitter?
Designing for the Dark
Social Learning Networks and the end of the LMS
3D Touch Force Feedback
A Design Exploration of 3D Touch: Feedback
Does Empathy exist in Virtual Reality?
The Many Definitions of Open Education
Do eReaders really need Touch Screens?
Open Textbooks: The Missing Link
What do students get when they sign up for an ‘Online Course’?
The 3D Touch Revolution is coming…but you might have to wait for it.
Weighing Fruit with 3D Touch
A design exploration of 3D Touch: Affordance
Sweet Tooth for iOS
Let me touch my words again!
Strategies for Reading Online
EDUC281: eLearning for Educators
Alumni Relations done right
There’s so much money to be made in education!
The worst words you could ever hear as an Educational Technologist
Online Teaching Badges
Empathy in Instruction
Canvas Quick Tip Video Collection
Conventions and Affordances built for the human body
An open letter to Higher Ed Admins
CAP100: Introduction to Digital Literacy
GRPS for iOS
What does Hybrid actually mean?
Online and Blended Course Quality Checklist
What is a menu?
Competency-based Education: the solution to all our problems?
The Rise of the Adjuncts
How do you perceive New Technologies?
BTC eLearning Strategic Plan
On Net Neutrality
Canvas Course Publish Tool
Gestures in the reduction of Cognitive Load
Let’s Let go of Files
Using Canvas Apps
10 Tech Skills Every Educator Needs
Extending Canvas